
Our Enrolment Process

Discover the magic of our center on and book a personal tour. You can immerse yourself in our Reggio Emilia-inspired learning environments and meet our dedicated team of educators who are passionate about creating meaningful learning experiences for the children. You can also get exciting updates on our center’s latest happenings. We can’t wait to welcome you and share the magic of our learning community!


Get In Touch!

The first step is the most important one! Call us on 3824 1111, or request a call back, and let us contact you.


Book a tour of our centre.

Come and have a look to help you decide if our centre is the right fit for you.


Complete Enrolment Online

Enrol from the comfort of your own home. We will be happy to provide guidance if you need any help.


Join Our Family

Start your childcare when it’s right for you! We look forward to you joining our family!

Parent Resources

To ensure a smooth transition and positive outcomes for children, building respectful and supportive relationships with families is essential. We recommend reviewing our parent resources as a helpful starting point. Prior to your meeting with our nominated supervisor or team member, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with the documentation. This will allow you to come prepared with any questions you may have and seek the necessary clarifications. We value open communication and look forward to providing you with the information you need.

Parent Handdbook

Download our parent handbook for your information for an overview of our  philosophy, goals and routines in the centre.

Fee Schedule

Download our schedule of fees. Our daily and weekly rates for childcare services in each age group.

Infectious Disease

We minimises exposure to infectious diseases by adhering to guidelines from relevant government authorities regarding prevention

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