
Our Philosophy

We see children as unique and capable individuals


We see children as unique and capable individuals, who come to our service with their own interests, talents, skills and ideas. As educators, we are well trained and passionate. We value, respect and appreciate every child’s uniqueness. We feel children have a right to be active participants in their own learning and must be empowered to express their views and ideas. A child’s opinion must be valued for its validity to their perspective and their autonomy and initiative needs to be respected. As educators, we will protect and cherish the innocence of children, thus providing a safe and secure environment. As we unpack the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), we will work alongside your child to actively promote children’s learning through worthwhile, challenging experiences and interactions that foster high-level thinking skills.
Smart Tots Childcare
Smart Tots Childcare | Quality Daycare you can trust


We will actively recognise and value the environment as the third teacher, as described by Reggio Emilia: “Learning environments engage and foster a sense of ownership and respect when they are aesthetically pleasing, reflect the identity and culture of children and families, and encourage a connection to place”;

We will aim to provide a warm, respectful and consistent environment in which the children will learn, and in which they will feel a strong sense of belonging. Consistency of staffing will be our priority to promote strong, continuous relationships with and between staff, children and families, and consistent class groups facilitate social continuity and ongoing friendships. We will aim to help the children acquire and maintain responsible attitudes in their personal and community life, by encouraging concern and empathy for others and for the welfare of the group. We will aim to help the children acquire and maintain an appreciation for difference of ability and opinion, and diversity of culture and belief, in our society.

Children inherit connections to the natural world, and we understand that children often develop their understandings of the world from information presented to them by the significant adults in their lives.

As we are one of these significant adults, we have a responsibility to present a positive approach to the environment. We also embrace diversity within our service and the wider community, so children view this diversity with a sense of appreciation and wonder rather than misunderstanding and fear. Through respect, acknowledgement, appreciation and acceptance of diversity within our community, our service will embrace, celebrate and share traditions and cultures throughout our program. Knowledge, ensuring their motivation and engagement in learning (EYLF). We aim to create an environment of trust and respect, where we work towards achieving a shared goal.

Ongoing education and training is a critical aspect of our staff’s professional development. Through accurate evaluation and assessment, which occurs when we critically reflect on our actions, we identify areas which may be considered a skill and those which may need further development. We recognise educators and staff as our service’s most precious resource and aim to provide them with a satisfying and safe working environment. Furthermore, we also appreciate the experience and skills of all educators and staff. We appreciate their dedication as an integral element of the success of our service.


We strive to be a service of excellence within our community. A service that values community involvement in all aspects of our program. A service where community resources are utilised effectively to enhance the growth and development of individual children, families and educators/staff.


We strive to promote a positive organisational culture and build a professional learning community; We are committed to ongoing continuous improvement of service quality and practice; We aim to embed quality systems that contribute to the effective management of a quality service.

We respectfully honour and acknowledge the Quandamooka people, the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and play and provide opportunities for the children to learn from the experiences and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies.


Our priority will be to provide quality care and education for the children attending our centre, and to be responsive to the individual needs of their families. We will be committed to continually endeavouring to improve our service, our programs, and our facilities, for the children, families, staff and the community.

We believe a curriculum in which children are active participants and collaborators allows for more individualistic and meaningful involvement of the children. We believe children are unique individuals who develop at their own rate; therefore, we provide enriching, meaningful and realistic opportunities so children can explore, create, discover, and imagine.

Our programs reflect planned and spontaneous experiences designed to support children’s development in all domains, they actively promote children’s learning through worthwhile, challenging experiences and interactions that foster high-level thinking skills (EYLF). We hope that by immersing the children in a curriculum based around their needs and interests and planned to develop each child as an individual, we will enable the children to be confident, self-directing and continuous learners who are well equipped to handle both themselves and society.

Educators are an extension of your family

For the educators in any early childhood setting, teamwork and effective communication are essential requirements for positive outcomes across all aspects of the Services’ functioning. For ‘together, everyone achieves more’. Educators are responsive to all children’s strengths, abilities and interests. We will value and build on children’s strengths, skills and knowledge, ensuring their motivation and engagement in learning (EYLF). We aim to create an environment of trust and respect, where we work towards achieving a shared goal.

Ongoing education and training is a critical aspect of our staff’s professional development. Through accurate evaluation and assessment, which occurs when we critically reflect on our actions, we identify areas which may be considered a skill and those which may need further development. We recognise educators and staff as our service’s most precious resource and aim to provide them with a satisfying and safe working environment. Furthermore, we also appreciate the experience and skills of all educators and staff. We appreciate their dedication as an integral element of the success of our service.
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